The first pic shows the real colours of the bag. Somehow I couldn't get the lighting right in the second one. So, let me know what you think about it:)
The first pic shows the real colours of the bag. Somehow I couldn't get the lighting right in the second one. So, let me know what you think about it:)
It took me more time than usual to make these coz I had to get up and walk around a bit every fifteen minutes to reduce my back pain. I’ve also been looking through the net for sewing tutorials for the nursery and for the baby. Glad to say that I found really helpful tutorials, here are just few of the great links.
Lots of Tutorials at All Crafts
Soft Baby Shoes at Picking up Threads
Soft Baby Cubes at Picking up Threads
Scandi Mei Tai Baby Carrier Tutorial at Picking up ThreadsIt took me only one hour to finish each dress. I also drew the famous Naruto character, Sasuke Kun for my cousin of four years. I’ll post some pics of it sometime later. So since then ta-ta! Have a nice day=)
P.S.So sorry about the dirty ironing board cover, ive changed it now=)
I also found some time to make this little gift for a cousin of mine. It’s a bit long, more like an American football. I hope the little guy likes it, he turned one last week=)
That’s all I got for now. Hope you all have a lovely weekend. Ta-ta!!
I’ll show the finished bags soon. I’ve also been looking for a bag design for me. At the moment I’m thinking of making a black bag using velvet. Since I don’t have a black bag which is the kind of accessory that goes with any outfit=)
Apart from sewing bags, I was going through some pictures i'd taken last year and found this! A pic of my youngest brother. He’s 5 now and loves wearing other people’s clothes and acting all grown up! Here he's wearing my shades and hubby’s jersey=)Bye bye for now, hope you all have a great day!!
Sorry that the photos are not that clear, because actually they look a lot better. I’m working on getting a proper camera;)
Have a nice day=)